

Texts: Fina Lunes, David Balcells, Conxita Parra and Mariona Millà.
Photographs: Fina Lunes.
Photograph section Biography: Marta Calvo.
Photographs section Teaching: Joan Ribó Foguet, Gerard Martí, Javier Chicharro, Carles Comas, Javier Löpez, Andrés Burbano.
Photographs of the presentations section Books: Manel, Oriol and Glòria.
Translation Spanish/English: Brian Power.


I would like to dedicate a special thank you to all the companies that have entrusted the development of their images to me throughout these years, and to the people with whom I have created work teams to be able to carry out, from the most rigorous assignment, to the more personal projects. The images of this web would not exist without them.

I would also like to thank the schools and universities for the opportunity they offered me. For me it is a pleasure to be able to pass my knowledge to students interested in the universe of photography, and to all the people and students who kindly photographed me in the exercise of my profession, without them I would not have the images that I can share today.

To Tamara, for the extreme patience in making this web page, to my friends Manel, Oriol and Gloria, for the images of the presentations of my books, and of course to my dear daughter Elisabeth, who deliciously changed the course of my photographic life